Friday, April 2, 2010

My darling's favourite indoor playground

This is my darlings favourite indoor playground at Marina. Darling Dane loves to drive this car. She refuse to allow anyone else to drive. She "drove" to Changi Airport, she went to Thomson Plaza, she went J8 and she drove back to Happy Home. She just loves driving. Will she be the 1st female F1 driver??

Darling Aly got bored waiting for her turn at the car, she played with the mentos machine. Doesn't she look adorable here??

Darling Ana was willing to be passenger. She had fun with other structures at the playground. Will bring them here again.

Mummy's 35th Birthday

Daddy gave me a surprise for my 35th B'day. He borrowed his brother's car and we took a spin to Esplande to watch STOMP. The weather was good and we enjoyed the breeze and the drive there.

After the show, we call back to check on darling Aly, she was sobbing through out the whole night. So we swing by to pick her up from Kim Po's house. She was delighted to have a chance to sit in a convertible. She like the idea that her hair gets so messy messy.

The celebration did not end, Daddy bring me to this superb place for lunch the next day. Here's some pictures of the appetizers that we had. So cool right? The crab is showing his muscles.

Most enjoyable lunch. Highly recommended. Get a private room for their great service.

Ana's 1st drawing

Ana is growing up so fast. This is her 1st portrait. I am so proud of her. Doesn't it look good? We are so pleased that she enjoys drawing alot. She like to draw pictures and usually there is a story behind. I hope that she will not lose this interest as she grows up.

The moving

So many things have happened. It's been a long time since I last update this blog. The Happy family have moved in to stay with Popo. It was something that we had to do. It's a long term plan. The packing and unpacking and the moving took us so many days. Look at the amount of stuff the Happy family have....

Guess the girls are too young to miss the old home. I do miss the old house. BUT I am very glad that we settled down so fast in popo's house. All 5 of us still sleep in the same room. The girls are very happy, like a big playground to them. Cosy eh?
Uncle Ansley's room became our storeroom. We have so manys stuff that we need to keep in 2 places. Thank you Gong Gong Lawrence for letting us a room to keep our stuff.

Daddy and the girls love the room and settled down very fast. They have so much fun jumping from bed to bed. See their happy faces?